Monday 28 May 2012

Day trip to the Museum

We went to the museum today and looked around all the galleries. The first gallery was about the Maori Statue of Pukaki ;put on the 20c coin ; I liked that it was representing something;had meaning to it; I learnt that it was created in 1836.

gallery 2 was about the Arawa people and how they found they re way to NZ. I liked the canoe . I learnt that the cutting tool belonged to Tamatekapua.
gallery 3 Had lots of interesting things that belonged to Maori ancestors , they re were fish hooks and a flute witch was interesting.
gallery 4 I cant remember this gallery.

gallery 5 I learnt that Maori's had never seen a bible or muskets before the Europeans came.
gallery 6 Was all about the pink and white terraces; I learnt that the names for pink terraces in Maori is Otukapuarangi and the white terrace is named Te Tarata.
gallery 7 Was about the war and how the Maori soldiers fought in it. We watched the movie ; with some soldiers that had survived the war telling there stories , there personal experience . But i fell asleep half way through.
gallery 8  We didn't end up looking at gallery 8.

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