Thursday 17 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 22

1. Describe what happened in this chapter.
2. Reflect on your literacy work this week. PMI - the good, the bad and the interesting...

1. Skulla and his gang persisted on getting the diamonds and made Matt start searching,he was convinced he hadnt found anything but he found a diamond in the end and Skulla couldnt take his eyes off of it.But bad news struck and Whakarewarewa exploded, covering Skulla in a clump of boiling mud. Jackson was hurt badly and looked frale,dead.

2. I think that I have done allright this week, i just need to remain focused so I can get my work done. Like I said i have to keep focus because i get distracted easily. I enjoy reading the book because it shows you what bullying and gangs are like and how theyre bad for you. ♥

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