Sunday 13 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 18.

W.A.L.T- edit and proof read our writing.

1.What does Eve do in this chapter?
She see's Zirk checking on her Matt and Jackson, he had been there most of the week. She found a bit of glass that had been half buried in dirt she picked it up and pretended it was the most precious diamond in the world and the Zirk cam a bit closer his binoculars right on them.She hid it again and then waited for him to come and look for it, only to find a bit of broken glass.

2.What is going to happen next?
I think that the geologists will block off the area that they had been in the day before,because something dangerous is going to happen,maybe the eruption or maybe something faulty that the geologists dont know what it is.The case with Skulla and his gang, I think that they will get let off apart from doing 'community service' and now Matt shuold be worried.

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