Thursday, 10 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 17.

1.What is gawks real name?
Known as 'the Gawk' his real name is Cecil Hilton.

2.Where does he live?
Cecil lives in a galvanized iron garage that sits neatly behind a house. Matt Jackson and Cecil can only just fit into this garage.

3. Why did he give the items back?
Cecil gave them back because Jackson had threatend him about letting the WXK gang know where he lives, he got scared because he had obviously heard of the gang and gave the coins back shortly after.

4.Would you be worried if you were matt. why?/why not?
I would be because if the gang is released from the court then they might come after him but he has the coins so if they do coe back he can give the coins and the gang could flee. I would still be a little bit frightened because the gang is well known for hurting people and he had already got a threat from one of the members of the gang.

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