Monday, 28 May 2012

Day trip to the Museum

We went to the museum today and looked around all the galleries. The first gallery was about the Maori Statue of Pukaki ;put on the 20c coin ; I liked that it was representing something;had meaning to it; I learnt that it was created in 1836.

gallery 2 was about the Arawa people and how they found they re way to NZ. I liked the canoe . I learnt that the cutting tool belonged to Tamatekapua.
gallery 3 Had lots of interesting things that belonged to Maori ancestors , they re were fish hooks and a flute witch was interesting.
gallery 4 I cant remember this gallery.

gallery 5 I learnt that Maori's had never seen a bible or muskets before the Europeans came.
gallery 6 Was all about the pink and white terraces; I learnt that the names for pink terraces in Maori is Otukapuarangi and the white terrace is named Te Tarata.
gallery 7 Was about the war and how the Maori soldiers fought in it. We watched the movie ; with some soldiers that had survived the war telling there stories , there personal experience . But i fell asleep half way through.
gallery 8  We didn't end up looking at gallery 8.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Penelope my unicorn♥

My unicorn is white ; she has spirally horn that lights up like the galaxy at night . Her boyfriend is Henry ; (christies unicorn) and they were having a tea party before ; and she rang up and said shes going to have BABIES (-: its exciting . because the little baby unicorns come out rainbow coloured ; and they chnage colour as they grow older. PLEASE HOLD i have to speak to my unicorn.
Today mrs Harvey  is away and we have Whaea Piki . She is nice to me even though im a distraction :)))))) ♥ and me and Christie have pet unicorns ; we were talking on the phone to him but she made us hop off. hehe.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 22

1. Describe what happened in this chapter.
2. Reflect on your literacy work this week. PMI - the good, the bad and the interesting...

1. Skulla and his gang persisted on getting the diamonds and made Matt start searching,he was convinced he hadnt found anything but he found a diamond in the end and Skulla couldnt take his eyes off of it.But bad news struck and Whakarewarewa exploded, covering Skulla in a clump of boiling mud. Jackson was hurt badly and looked frale,dead.

2. I think that I have done allright this week, i just need to remain focused so I can get my work done. Like I said i have to keep focus because i get distracted easily. I enjoy reading the book because it shows you what bullying and gangs are like and how theyre bad for you. ♥

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 20-21

Chapter 20.

1.What did Matt and Eve find out?
That theyre were jewels in the ponga.

2.Do you think they should go with Ana? Why/Why not?
No because she lead the boys into the gangs hands meaning she is some part of the gang or has some sort of association with it.

Chapter 21

3.What do you think is going happened?
 I think they will be able to make it out with out skulla on hisb ack because I think theyre will be some sort of eruption,since the mud was bubbling heaps so they will keep the jewels and keep investigating.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 19.

W.A.L.T edit and proof read our work.

1.Why did they go to the museum?
Matt and Eve wanted to return the sovereigns so they could be put onto display.Eve had some papers that had to be dropped off.

2.What do you think might be special about the ponga?
Edward had given the metal box with the ponga inside it to Mary as a gift,so it obviously has some speciality to it otherwise Edward wouldn't have given it to her.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 18.

W.A.L.T- edit and proof read our writing.

1.What does Eve do in this chapter?
She see's Zirk checking on her Matt and Jackson, he had been there most of the week. She found a bit of glass that had been half buried in dirt she picked it up and pretended it was the most precious diamond in the world and the Zirk cam a bit closer his binoculars right on them.She hid it again and then waited for him to come and look for it, only to find a bit of broken glass.

2.What is going to happen next?
I think that the geologists will block off the area that they had been in the day before,because something dangerous is going to happen,maybe the eruption or maybe something faulty that the geologists dont know what it is.The case with Skulla and his gang, I think that they will get let off apart from doing 'community service' and now Matt shuold be worried.


On the weekend it was mothers day and we got my mother books because i completly forgot that it was mothers day. Sally was at our houseand yeah .

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 17.

1.What is gawks real name?
Known as 'the Gawk' his real name is Cecil Hilton.

2.Where does he live?
Cecil lives in a galvanized iron garage that sits neatly behind a house. Matt Jackson and Cecil can only just fit into this garage.

3. Why did he give the items back?
Cecil gave them back because Jackson had threatend him about letting the WXK gang know where he lives, he got scared because he had obviously heard of the gang and gave the coins back shortly after.

4.Would you be worried if you were matt. why?/why not?
I would be because if the gang is released from the court then they might come after him but he has the coins so if they do coe back he can give the coins and the gang could flee. I would still be a little bit frightened because the gang is well known for hurting people and he had already got a threat from one of the members of the gang.

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 16

WALT - Find the meaning of words. 1. Find the meaning of the following words: console / briefly / bombarded / edition / pendant 2. Find where each word is used during the chapter and give the page number and paragraph number. 3. Wow me with an amazing sentence for each word 


 1.  a.  console- A box that you put games in .
b.  briefly-for a short time.
c.  bombarded-attack with the news she had
d.  edition-a series of printings in a newspaper book etc.
e.  pendant- the main peice on jewlery or an ornament.

a.first paragraph chapter 16 page 116.
b.paragraph 5 page 116 chapter 16
c.116 paragraph 7 chapter 16
d.paragraph 2 chapter 16  page 117 117 paragraph 3 chapter 16


a. The wii console bursted to life with music when we turned pressed the play button.
b. I briefly stood at the door waiting for my mum to open it for me.
c.We got bombarded with the spectacular news about One Direction coming for a 2013 tour.
d.The latest edition of Girlfriend has Liam Payne as the front cover, he is beautiful.
e.The eye bulging diamond pendant sat in the safety of glass at the jewlers.

fitness again.

i got 4.45 .

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Fitness .

We did something different for fitness this morning . Mrs Harvey made a path to run on , on Google Maps which was 1km. She timed us and I got 5.33 which is pretty good.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha-Chapter 5.

W.A.L.T- Justify answers using information from text.

1.Why did Hone get angry?
Hone was extremely mad because Matt hadnt told Hone about the threats and bullying that the gang had said/done to him, and it was to late by the time Matt told him.

2. Predict whats going to happen next.
The gang will find Matt hiding in the car scrunching up to the seats, trying to remain unhidden. They tell him that he has ONE last chance to get them something good or he's dead meat. He has to find a way to get a metal detector and finds a time machine. He goes into the future and WA BAM skulla is a elaphant. Jackson has dropped out of the group but he still has to rob a car. then PEOW a huge monster truck comes along and runs the car over.

Monday, 7 May 2012

literacy Cry of the Taniwha

W.A.L.T - Justify answers using information from text

1.Why had Matt not slept well?
Because of being told about Jackson having to do a robbery to be in WXK. Also he is scared about what might happen in the future.
(Chapter 14 paragraph 1. )

1.Why did Nan tell Matt that he was famous?
He was on the front page of the newspaper with an article about the body and the gold.
(chapter 14 paragraph 2.)

3.What happened to Matt in the redwoods?
Matt was using his metal detector to find gold peices for the gang because otherwise he would get punched. He found 9 gold peices but he had to go to the toilet but GAWK stoel his metal detetctor and the gold and ran off.
(chapeter 14 paragraph 11.)

4.What did Eve find out?
Eve has assumed that the skeleton that was buried is Jack Boult because he went on a trip with the lady that had the diamond pendant but Jack didnt return with them.


We had to do stupid fitness this morning . Mrs Harvey timed 10minutes and we had to see how many laps we could do in that time. I did 3 which is pretty good concidering RYAN tripped me up :(

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - chapter 13

W.A.L.T - Justify answers using information from text.

1.How is Matt feeling about Juzza now?
Matt is ashamed, because he didnt think 'Juzza' would turn out to be desperate enough to be in the gang to have to rob but he doesnt know that the boys are just using him.

2.Who is Gawk?
'Gawk' is the name Matt used to describe him as he was hiding behind a tree perving at the couple. He had orange hair and wore a bright tropical top with short short shorts !YUCK.

3.What was Gawk doing?
'Gawk'was spying on a couple behind a tree.The couple was making out. He was being a pervert.

my weekend

Well i was supposed to hang out with Christie but she annoyed her dad, so she couldnt. I had nothing to do untill i went with Aroha and my sister . We made a movie thing made with pictures ; we mixed songs into it so when you played it ,it looked like we were in time with the songs. Yeah . ♥

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha chapters 11&12.

W.A.L.T write imformative interesting sentences.
Who are the following people?
a.)Louise Miller -Louise Miller is the loving mother of Mary Basham.Edward Basham is the husband of Mary Basham.He made the golden locket for Louise and placed a photo of her mother inside it .She has lots of expensive jewels meaning she is probably rich.
 b.)Edward Basham-Edward Basham is the,loving and also rich husband of Mary Basham. He made the locket for Louise with the picture of her mother.
c.)Mary Basham married Edward Basham. She has lots of expensive jewllery and keeps a diamond pendent under her bed. She had the box at the start of the book.
d.)Scott Murrey is the leader of WXK.He was a good sports player but after his dad left he joined the gang and got some tattoos. He could have gone very far in life but he decided against it.
 e.)Ian McMillian  a scientist that was able to identify the skeleton that Matt found.
f.)Eve is the girl staying in the hotel.She helped Matt find out the research about Louise Miller.


Wednesday, 2 May 2012

We had a basketball game yesterday at 7:40 . We faced Te Koutu and they were really feisty . We thought we would havelost but we won . They were agressive and pushed oceania over.But we got the fouls. Theyre were 2 girls that have been in the rep team for basketball with Oceania , so we had to watch out for them as they were the ones getting them all the goals.