Monday 29 October 2012


Day 6 reading log

Title- Hiding Edith
Author-Kathy Kacer
pages read-10

She has seen one of the girls in the house leave with her parents , and then a couple of days later she asked Shatta if they had heard anything , and she found out that her family had been arrested and taken to concentration camps. It was Edith's birthday and her mother came to see her , but she had too leave and it made Edith sad.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Novel studies

Title-Hiding Edith
Author-Kathy Kacer
pages read-9

She has been told that they are going to have to sleep in tents because of the raids , the nazi's still check up to see if there are jews there. Edith is scared and confused and she went to see Gaston.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

World War 2 notes

II think  remember my mum telling me that my great-great-great grandad used to go in the planes and drop bombs.

Hiding Edith

Title;Hiding Edith
Author;Kathy Kacer
Pages read;40-55

She has just gone to the Mossiac , and she really enjoys it , everyone is so nice to her and they all know she is Jewish but they treat her the same.She has become better at school because she gets the extra help she needed.She just hopes that she gets to see her family again :-)

The Machine Gunners 3-5

1. He spilled the ink on his friend so he could distract the teacher.
2. Chas’s dad doesn’t ask him if he knew anything because his dad was furious about the cops his dad hated them.
3.The police are concerned about the gun because it is the newest machine gun made it has 2000 rounds and can shoot through bricks.
4. They thought a child stole the gun because the saw mark was quite rough and they thought it was a smart child’s work
5.The police did not look in the rabbit hutch because they wouldn't fit and if they did they would’ve found the gun.
6. Chas likes to do whatever he wants whenever he wants, like he doesn't care about anything or anyone.
7. Boddser was easy to make fun of, he likes to be better than everyone else.
8.I think that they will be found out and taken to Hitler , but they wont die and then they will ride there special unicorns to the land of rainbows and unicorns and lollipops :-)
9. This story is written in 'present' time, the person writing this was not involved in the book apart from writing it, even though its made up :-)

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Reading log -day 2

Title-Hiding Edith
Author- Kathy Kacer
Pages read- 5-16

They were stopped in the street by a Jewish soldier and he found out the were Jewish but he knows Edith's father and tells them to leave immediately for their own protection, so they packed there stuff.

Monday 15 October 2012

Reading Record-Day 1

Title-Hiding Edith
Author-Kathy Kacer
Pages read-1-5

I just read the introduction , it was just explaining about what Hitler did and how many people were killed , also how they hid the Jewish children from being killed.

It's sad how many people were killed in the war because of Hitler. It shows that some people are disturbed in many ways, but the parents or adults that helped the Jewish kids keep there lives , makes you think how much their lives were indangered.