Thursday 21 June 2012

My powerpoint.

I got my powerpoint onto the blog by first clicking into the powerpoint and clicking save as. I then went to were i was going to save it AS and i clicked the one that says moviemaker. You then come onto your blog and upload it as a movie maker file and wait till it is loaded.

KWHL chart,

What I already knew.
They make a twirly thing
They sweep lots of stuff up
It is a natural disaster.

What did i want to find out?
Who are involved in the clean up of a tornado?
Where was the most disastrous tornado?
Why do they occur?
How do tornadoes form?
When do they usually strike?

How did I find this out?
internet sites;

What have i learnt?

I learnt that tornadoes are extremely dangerous and they sweep the path in its way.

Rangi did hers on the black death and i learnt that what you may know as the kids nursery rhyme is actually about the plague; Ring around the rosies. I also learnt that the Black death wiped out over half of Europes population!
Some people did there powerepoints on earthquakes considering the catastrophe that happened in christchurch. New Zealand is right in the middle of a fault line which makes earthquakes happen so we are more prone to earthquakes.

Monday 18 June 2012

MY Natural Wonder Of the World .

I think that Mount Ruapehu should be a natural wonder of the world because it is one of the few active volcanoes in New Zealand. Many people/tourists visit the mountain because of the many activities you can do there including skiing or snowboarding. It is in National park meaning you can walk around and there are beautiful waterfalls and wonderful sightseeing places.